Friends of the Social Justice Group

Over the past years, the Parish Social Justice group has used Catholic Social Teaching as its guide. We’ve attempted to share information through items in the Parish Newsletter and via our Social Justice specific newsletters. We have seen first hand the generosity of our congregation and their willingness to get behind issues that matter such as support for refugees and asylum seekers; contacting politicians about important issues such as raising the minimum age of criminality from 10 years old to 14 years old in the ACT; supporting our local St Vincent de Paul Conference; promoting ways to live sustainably such as Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and more.
We have learnt that people aren’t keen to ‘sit on committees’ so we are going to try something NEW.

Would you like to become a Friend of the Social Justice Group?

Download and complete the form below and send it to one of the social justice group members listed.

Download the Newsletter