
At Holy Spirit parish there are many Ministries, groups and activities that anyone can participate in.

If you would like to be involved in any of the following groups or would like additional information on different areas where volunteers may be needed, please contact the office or the person nominated on the list below.


Please visit the Youth page here.

Family and Children

We are a child-friendly parish. Whether your children are noisy, restless or grumpy we regard your family’s presence as a gift and not a burden. You and your family belong. We want you at Mass!

Children’s Liturgy

Children have their own Liturgy of the Word. Our children’s liturgy is for children from preschool age to Year 6 and is held on Sundays during the 9:30am Mass. Children listen to, reflect on, and have activities based on Sunday readings at their level. The children re-join the congregation after the Prayer of the Faithful.

Church Seating

Some families with young children find it helpful to sit in the school hall side of the church as there is extra space for baby strollers etc


The Seniors Group meets on the last Thursday of the Month.

Anointing Mass

The Anointing Mass held at 9.15am is a pivotal time for the Seniors Group. Dates are advertised in the parish newsletter. 

Social Gathering

After Mass, the group gathers in the Parish Office meeting room for a shared morning tea and conversation. Occasionally the Senior Group gathers at the Lakes Club for lunch. This is announced in the Parish newsletter.


Please contact the Parish Office on 02 6242 9622 if you require assistance in getting to the Mass.

Social Justice Group

What does the Social Justice Group do?

The Holy Spirit Social Justice Group was established in 2018. From small beginnings we now have a core team of six and a number of auxiliary members who remain connected to our group. 

The team has diverse interests and as such we are able to share what we have learnt within the group and the wider parish community.

In 2021 we have been encouraging ourselves and the parish community to recognise the call of social justice in our local community and world by:

  • Moving towards a greater understanding of the truth in our history with First Nations Peoples
  • Actively seeking out a greater understanding of our history from local Ngunnawal elders by attending workshops and events like Reconciliation Day
  • Increasing awareness of issues affecting First Nations Peoples, specifically juvenile sentencing, deaths in custody and poor shelter/housing.
  • Monitoring the plight of refugees in detention and advocating for their release.
  • Attend activities that educate and inform including the Palm Sunday Rally for refugees. Some of our members are actively involved in the local Refugee Action Campaign.
  • Educating ourselves and our community on Pope Francis’ two recent encyclicals – Laudato Si (On Care for our Common Home) and Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All)
  • Promoting successful approaches to homelessness in our city; agitating for more social housing. 
  • Supporting and promoting other social justice groups (eg Vinnies, Salvos, Caritas).
  • Finding activities that bring people together in caring for creation – a recent activity was the planting day for our Floriade Community Garden.
  • Liaising with other parishes and the Archdiocese on social justice matters.

We are always looking to invite anyone with a passion for these and other social justice issues to join us. There are a few ways for you to be involved:

  • Join us for our regular monthly meeting – generally held at 7pm on the second Tuesday of the month in the parish meeting room.
  • Attend our meetings when you can make it.
  • Join our mailing list and stay informed about activities and ways you can contribute.

For more information contact Peter Peterson via email 

ViewSocial Justice Group Newsletter

Vinnies (St. Vincent de Paul Society)

Conferences form the primary basic unit of the St Vincent de Paul Society. These are formed by diverse groups of volunteer members who know the local environment and compassionately donate their time to assist those in need in the community. 

As one of the 50 conferences of the Canberra/Goulburn Archdiocese, The Gungahlin conference have carried the good works of the society for several years, providing not only assistance for members of the community experiencing disadvantage through home visitation and emergency relief, but also providing them with friendship, respect, hope, and a “hand up” to make life-changing decisions that allows them to regain control of their destiny and maintain their dignity. 

Members in the Gungahlin conference, provide flexible, and localised support to anyone seeking help in their local community. This help is directly related to the specific needs of the individual and can include, among other things, assistance with food, utility bills, clothing, education support, or connection to services. Conference work is not limited to home visitation. Members also gather and pray in fellowship as they respond to calls of those most vulnerable and work together with the parish and local organisations to best serve the local area. 

The Gungahlin Conference invites people to participate and get involved in the many opportunities available to volunteer and serve the local community.

Holy Spirit Conference President
St Vincent de Paul | Drazen Roginic

Focolare Families Group

Download the Newsletter