The Council warmly welcomed Steve Seesink to its membership. Steve is the Parish convenor for MenAlive. The last month has seen a lot of activity of strategic importance to the Parish.
Consequently, the PPC is holding a separate meeting to consider our response to the Plenary Council and it’s draft report and an Archdiocese course on parish renewal which we attended. At its regular July meeting, the Council discussed the state of the mini-Vinnies program in our schools and decided to make further enquiries. Council welcomed the many entries in the
Suggestion Box and a list of the suggestions and actions taken will be available on the parish website with a summary in the Bulletin. The new bus timetable was discussed because it misses some of our schools including Holy Spirit. All are encouraged to let the government know the problem through its consultation page: Results of the strategy meeting will be in the mid-
August Bulletin.