Parish Pastoral Council Update
Members of the PPC met on 5 October 2022 to discuss pastoral priorities and general business. It was decided that with Fr Thonn on leave and upcoming changes with parish priest, that we would not go ahead with the games night and instead focus our efforts on a lovely carols celebration in December.
Do you have a prayer request?
Please complete a Prayer Request Card, which are available in the Church foyer or complete the online form using the App (go to Mass & Prayer > Prayer Requests).
Parish Care Group
If anyone is in need or knows someone who could use the support of the Parish Care Group, please let us know by contacting the office.
Communion to the Sick & Home Visits
Do you know someone who is unable to make it to Mass and might like to receive communion at home? Or maybe a visit at home? Please contact the Parish office.
New Parishioners
Please include your details in the New Parishioners book located in the church foyer. Also visit our website for up to date information on activities in the Parish.