Every year our parish really gets behind our Vinnies members and their amazing hamper delivery for Christmas. Last year we filled and delivered nearly 500 hampers throughout Gungahlin. Sadly, this year it is a very different story. Our people have soldiered on throughout the pandemic, but they are not able to visit the way they used to and the hampers have had to be severely cut back.
This year parishioners are not allowed to deliver the hampers and nor are they able to donate items outside a very strict list. What we ARE able to do is give our Vinnies a financial donation which they will then translate into vouchers for our neighbours in need. Vinnies will purchase vouchers from supermarkets, which they will then give to those who would have otherwise received a great big hamper from us.
Our members of St Vincent de Paul are having their special “commitment” Mass next Saturday 28 November 2020 at 5pm.
We invite and urge you, to attend this Mass to support our people and the wonderful work they do throughout our community.
They are truly amazing and incredibly dedicated. At each Mass next weekend we will hold a special collection at the end which will go directly to St Vincent de Paul to meet the needs of many Gungahlin residents over Christmas.
Please be ready to give generously.