Sunday Evening Mass
After receiving feedback from many parishioners, particularly families who own businesses, and those who have to work on Saturdays and Sunday mornings, the PPC this week voted unanimously for the Sunday Evening Mass to be reinstated.
It was decided that to keep Mass times consistent and to support our youth group times, the Sunday evening Mass will be at 5:00pm. The first Mass will be on Sunday 26 February 2023. We ask for your help to spread the word about the change and also to volunteer for ministries at this Mass.
Weekday Mass Times
7:00am, 9:15am or Midday? Have your say here!
The PPC discussed our current Weekday Mass Times and following feedback from some of those who attend Weekday Masses Fr Troy would like to propose the following:
- 9:15am for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
- 12:00pm for Friday
The idea behind the midday Mass would be to allow more time for our senior group to make it to Mass and have more fellowship opportunities for example lunches and fish and chips Fridays during lent etc. We would like your feedback if you think this is something that might work for our parish. Please click on the link to provide your feedback or alternatively provide your comments via the suggestion box in the foyer. We ask that you provide your name and contact details if you would like Fr Troy to discuss the matter with you.