Greetings all,
Just writing to update everyone on the latest considerations from your Parish Council. We met this week to discuss next steps in the parish.
We would like to begin with a thanks to Frances and Jim for the Call to Ministry last weekend. It was only the beginning of a month of calling you to ministry. Please consider volunteering for one of our ministries so that we can continue to flourish in faith as part of the global church. Volunteer forms are in the Church foyer.
The most significant step is our participation in the Archdiocese Assembly in October 2024. The Assembly is an action coming from the Plenary Council in 2022. In preparation for this Assembly, the Archdiocese has been holding listening sessions and workshops to shape the core questions we the parishioners have for the Archdiocese and we need to answer for the Archbishop. You are encouraged to join these Archdiocese workshops if you can. However as a parish, we plan to hold a multitude of preparatory meetings, lunches, dinners, prayer sessions and roundtables to prepare parishioners and the parish for the Assembly and for our own Parish Assembly in 2025. In the coming months you will be invited by Fr Troy and the Council, through the bulletin, the website and Parish App to contribute and attend these meetings, prayer sessions and roundtables to provide your input on how we can grow in faith.
The other major parish initiative is our Parish Feast Day on Pentecost next weekend. There is more information in this bulletin on the celebration after the 9:30am Mass. Please come along and celebrate the Parish and the richness each and everyone of you brings from your language, family, culture and your faith to our Parish. Much like the Holy Spirit did at that first Pentecost. We will also be hosting a wine and cheese gathering post Saturday night Mass on 18 May 24 as a way for as many of us to celebrate the Parish Feast Day.
If you have about 45min on Saturday 18 May 24 at 9am to help us dress the Parish for the Feast Day we would be grateful for your assistance.
Finally in the coming months we will be advertising for parishioners to join the Parish Pastoral Council. More detail will come out in the next two months but please consider joining the Council to help us to continue to flourish in our community as part of the global church.
Sean Ryan
PPC Chair