The theme for this year’s Palm Sunday Rally is Justice for Refugees: End the Cruelty. The Canberra Refugee Action Campaign remains focused on the 500 people in detention with no resettlement certainty and the 104 people left in PNG with no resettlement options at all.
As Catholic Christians, Jesus commanded us to look after those in need, the poor, the outcast, the sick. Please join us in person or by prayer on Palm Sunday.
Members from the Parish will meet in Civic at 12.30pm at the Merry-Go-Round, Petrie Plaza at 12.30pm on Sunday, 10 April. You will recognise us because we will have the Parish Banner unfurled! Please join us.
For more information please contact Maureen Hilton at Maureen Hilton
PS Perhaps we could all go to Civic by the light rail? It will be an enjoyable day out with the family.