This weekend – Holy Spirit Church and St Francis Xavier, Hall.
Remember to bring to any of the Masses this weekend the following items and place them in the tubs at the entrance of the Church:
Clean plastic milk/UHT, water and soft drink bottle lids
Plastic and foil medicine blister packs
Old mobile phones
A member of the Friends of the Social Justice Group will be there to help you, and children are invited to stay for 5-10 minutes after Mass to help sort plastic lids, blister packs etc.
As we don’t have room in the Church foyer for tubs to be left there permanently for collection of the above items, we ask that you only bring recyclable items on the last weekend of each month.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to increasing the range of recyclable items over the next 12 months.
For more information, please contact Maureen Hilton at or Hamish McNeice at