Updates on changes to restrictions:
From 2 December 2020, churches are able to have one person per two square metres of usable space in each indoor and outdoor space (excluding staff) provided they are using the Check In CBR app.
Changes to Mass times
From Saturday 12 December 2020 our parish Mass Times will be as follows:
- Saturday 5:00pm
- Sunday 8:00am
- Sunday 9:30am
Please continue to book to attend until of the year.
Check In CBR app
To comply with ACT Government’s easing of restrictions as at 2 December 2020 we will be using the “Check In CBR” app at all our parish Masses and events.
Please go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to download the Check In CBR app to help keep you safe when you’re out and about. Register once, check in and give ACT Health the tools for fast COVID-19 contact tracing.
We will continue with a booking system until the end of the year to ensure numbers are managed at each Mass.
For more information about the app please visit