Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. It is a time of spiritual and practical preparation for the Resurrection. This year we are asking all parishioners to join us in that preparation through our “Walking in their Footsteps” program. The program is built around Mark’s gospel (Chapter 6) where Jesus speaks to his disciples about prayer, fasting and almsgiving (charity). Our lenten program aims to give us all both individual and collective, practical, and spiritual activities we can all do each week. Each week we will:
- Say a prayer during our reflection at Mass and then invite everyone to say this prayer each day of the following week at home and at school. The prayer will be published in the bulletin, through our Social Justice Group and our website/social media.
- Offer a practical and hopefully meaningful activity (fasting and other good works) for us to “Give Up” each week. These activities will be announced during Mass each week and through the bulletin, notice board and our website/social media.
- Ask everyone to make a donation (Charitable Works) each week to either Caritas’ Project Compassion and/or the Parish’s St Vincent de Paul Pantry. Parishioners, especially our children, will have an opportunity during Mass to bring their donation to the altar for the Pantry. We aim to raise over $11,000 across the Parish community for Project Compassion and collect about 375 kilograms of nonperishable food donations for the Parish’s St Vincent De Paul Pantry.
So join us each week as we prepare through faith and good works for the Resurrection.