Here are some ways you can contribute this year:
St Vincent de Paul Giving Tree
Please support our St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers by taking a tag and returning your item to the specially marked baskets in the Church foyer.
Please donate ONLY non-perishable food donations, vouchers or money as specified on the tags you take. This is a very rewarding experience and a great way to give to people in our community who need our support this Advent and Christmas season.
Donating to St Vincent de Paul
Christmas Appeal envelopes are available in the foyer.
Parish Advent Giving – Fr Mark’s Special Appeal
Similar to last year, we would like to run this appeal again to help a few people and families in our own community – here, in Holy Spirit – who are really “doing it tough”. We want to help them. It is more a gesture than ‘life support.’ Christmas season can be lonely for many, but showing our concern comes in giving. This little appeal which we call ‘Fr Mark’s Special Appeal,’ is not in conflict with St Vincent de Paul’s efforts. Each year we pick a cause that we can support. More than sometimes we have more in need at ‘our back-door.’ Anything we do in the right spirit will give hope and belief that better times are coming. This will aid only a very few, letting them know from us all, ‘it’s the thought that counts.’
More details are available in the parish newsletter.